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Creative News

The official Newsletter of Pontypridd Men`s Shed

Shoulder to Shoulder:

“Men don’t talk face to face. They talk shoulder to shoulder.”

This expression originated in the late 1500s in the military, at first signifying troops in close formation.

Men do not tend to form the same support networks and groups as women, and traditionally men in Wales have talked and socialised at the local pub, working men's hall & institute, reading rooms or during sports activities.

Men – left alone – are utterly useless at dealing with the sort of day-to-day stresses, which women seem to handle with an almost-intuitive common sense. Mostly that seems to boil down to talking. And it turns out that – when it comes to the important stuff – men aren’t all that great at talking.

Life presents many challenges; Sometimes that can be due to retirement, bereavement, disability divorce, unemployment etc. However, it may have been caused Men can often find themselves with time on their hands, become socially isolated or lonely.

In 2017, nearly 6000 suicides were recorded in Great Britain. Of these, 75% were men. Suicide is the largest cause of death for men under 50. However, men are more than 3.5 times more likely to die from suicide than women. According to the latest figures released by The Samaritans The male suicide rate was 19.7 per 100,000** compared to the female suicide rate of 5.9 per 100,000**.

That is why Pontypridd Men`s Shed offers a ‘health by stealth’ approach, encouraging friendships, community and service networks through the formation and support for a men’s shed.

An accessible & inclusive ethos which allows ‘Shedders’ a sense of belonging, acceptance and fellowship experienced ‘shoulder to shoulder’ through shared social & therapeutic activities that offer routine to men who have lost a sense of purpose in their lives.

& When needed, provide a safe space for men to talk about the challenges they face including various concerns, issues or problems that they may have, in a confidential manner. Knowing that Anything shared within the shed stays within the shed.

Men’s health issues can develop from different causes and triggers than those that affect women.

For example, men’s issues often stem from societal expectations and traditional gender roles, which may lead men to think that they must.

  1. be the breadwinners in the family

  2. display traditional “masculine” traits, such as strength and control

  3. rely on oneself and not seek help from others

  4. not speak openly about their emotions

Holding on to these traditional beliefs can negatively impact men’s mental health and keep them from accessing support and treatment.

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